Very Soon News

In the previous post, we mentioned that the boss in making Orbshell was going to go through some major color changes. Well, today we at Divide by Zero Studios would like to show you what color scheme we have decided on.

Animation too!

Please ignore the jumpiness; that is due to the GIF and does not reflect actual in-game movement.

First thing you’ll notice is that this rendering of the boss is missing its turrets; rest assured, they will eventually be included, but we wanted to showcase the gyration the boss uses. Also, the core is actually completely different from the one we said we would use in the previous post. Ironically, that core has been scrapped, replaced with the one you see above. Of course, with everything we show you, none of this is the final product. However, the boss’s creator, Abdi Dirie, is giving a thumbs-up on the design. After programming the movement, the boss seems to pass all the standards. The boss is 99% complete (the 1% being lack of external parts and still-in-progress dynamic movement).

Stay updated!