Summer Issues

We at Divide by Zero Studios understands that the month-plus long break we’ve taken has left some of you wondering if any activity has been taking place at the studio.

Rest assured, we are still working on Vector Storm. The reason for the lack of informative posts is due to some long-distance issues we’ve been experiencing. Abdi Dirie, our media production specialist and site editor, has been outside the country for some time now. Communication has been difficult since; lack of internet, non-synchronized timed meetings, and the pursuits of individual projects has made organization a bit difficult than anticipated. Despite such unanticipated circumstances, each member of the group has been working on their respective parts for Vector Storm nonetheless.

We are sorry if any readers felt as if an abrupt stop in postings meant that our game-in-developments has been cancelled. This is not the case; programming is still underway by Charles McGregor, updates and technicalities are being handled, and game design is very active.

Stay updated!